Puppets like KewlJ give me the horrors. They jerk around like puppets on invisible strings, galvanized into hideous activity that is the negation of everything living and spontaneous.

The live human being has moved out of KewlJ�s body long ago. But something moved in when the original tenant moved out. And that something, is the Norm�s, the WizardsofVegas, the Blackholes, the RobSingers, the Taters/Moses, the MDawgs who marched into KewlJ�s head and took over like ventriloquists' dummies who have moved in and taken over the ventriloquist. The dummy KewlJ sits there in front of the computer, envious, jealous, obsessed, and uncontrollably yapping out of a rigid doll face about MDawg.

There is a certain kind of ghost that can only materialize with the aid of a sheet or other piece of cloth to give it outline. KewlJ was like that. He materialized only when someone else moved into his head and gave him a reason to appear.