Election night, November 8, 2016. When it became clear that Grump was going to win, DOW futures reversed to the point where they were down over a thousand, triggering circuit breakers. Then by morning, people in the know knew that Grump was going to go easy on industry regulation, and the DOW opened down just a hundred or two.

For weeks after that, DOW stocks went up, while the tech stocks kept crashing - because Grump had kept threatening to regulate or break up giants like AMZN.

Summer 2020, Grump kept predicting market crashes if he were not re-elected. Nonsense - the market has done well, and the economy is doing fine today.

Today, the economy is fine, the stock market is roaring, why do we want to rock the boat? We don't need some unhinged oddball in the White House threatening to do this or that every day.

I like my long term holds including AAPL, AMZN and NFLX where they are - UP.

Forget Grump, and all his nonsense.