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Thread: DarkOz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Default DarkOz

    As far as DarkOz's repeated claim "I make $20,000. a week" when he actually means that he has made $20,000. on occasion, on a given week...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2019

    Default DarkOz is mentally ill

    It�s pretty clear from DarkO�s rambling that he�s borderline schizophrenic. Insisting that �I make $20,000. a week� makes sense, his bizarre conspiracy theories on how the government must be suppressing the truth about some charlatan penny stock, and his twisted nonsensical interpretations support this diagnosis. Not to mention that he spent years on the street which is typically due to either substance abuse or mental illness.

    Even his �profession� and the way he stumbled on it reeks of a bizarre number crunching approach to life that goes hand in hand with schizophrenia or autism.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    It�s pretty clear from DarkO�s rambling that he�s borderline schizophrenic. Insisting that �I make $20,000. a week� makes sense, his bizarre conspiracy theories on how the government must be suppressing the truth about some charlatan penny stock, and his twisted nonsensical interpretations support this diagnosis. Not to mention that he spent years on the street which is typically due to either substance abuse or mental illness.

    Even his �profession� and the way he stumbled on it reeks of a bizarre number crunching approach to life that goes hand in hand with schizophrenia or autism.
    Hmm... Darkoz was done to literally his last pennies when he left The Casino one day and he left. He realized he left his Player's Club Card and went back for it and when he came back, he saw some unsuspecting Player playing heavily on his Player's Club and earned him about $50 in free play. Darkoz was ecstatic that he now has a free $50 in free play when he had been down to his last pennies and with that free $50 he turned it into $150 in cash or something like that. That's how he came up with his Player's Club Card Team thing. Another Poster at WOV said he also purposely left his Player's Club Cards in and hoped unsuspecting People would play on it and earn him free play and he said it was his way of Hustling. Darkoz free play thing was a complete accident when the Player earned him $50 in free play, but the second Poster did this on purpose...

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