Day 13 play

Wow just noticed - 13? Is it unlucky? Well Bill Harrah didn't think so. Harrah's Tahoe has a 13th floor because Bill Harrah didn't believe in unlucky numbers.

Shoe 1, I ended 900 ahead. I had a vague feeling that I should just stop. But I didn't.

Shoe 2, things started falling apart. Another guy came to the table, and he bet against me occasionally. He didn't mean anything, he just figured that the opposite side was the way to go. One hand in particular, I put a good sum on Bank, drew a freakin' 3, he got a one - no that's right it was a zero, and drew the snowman to beat me. He wasn't trying to bet against me, just, he picked the right hand and I didn't.

How badly did things fall apart? I dumped the entire 8K marker and started doing call bets which would win, then the second hand with the call bet win money lose, until finally I lost a 1500 call bet, which meant I was -9500 for the session. I had them print it to twenty, and by the end of the second shoe I had barely five grand in front of me. What was THAT about? Not good.

So I left the table, went up to the room, and grabbed 7000 in chips and came back down. On the way to the room I kept thinking, you shoulda just left when you were 900 ahead. In any case, I felt like I needed some extra ammo to give me the confidence to play harder, and I didn't feel like pulling another marker right then. My wife was still in the suite, about to head out to the gym. She said she was just about to text me a kiss, but instead, she gave me one in person. That was nice. I wasn't particularly agitated, but still, was just a shade on the frenetic side versus being dead calm.

Back down there, I played a shoe that the pit boss had cut, which was incroyable, let me tell. Oh, mon vieux it was something else. Bank run after bank run, and I was hitting it for 2000, 3000, 4000 and then thousand here, thousand there.

Then the fourth shoe, which I cut, had a nine bank run that I pressed into until about the sixth hand I was about even, was going to put 2500, but after a recount, I just put down five hunny and ran the bank out. Tried a few hands after that for black chips only, colored up, and I was about two grand to the good for the session. About the only downer was that the two hands I placed black chips on the side for the dealer, dealer couldn't pick up. Oh well, today was my day to win. Yesterday the dealer's won more than I did, but today I won more.

So that was a twenty five thousand dollar run from -23K for the day to plus +2K. Not bad at all, and believe me it felt GOOD to tear up those two markers.

The guy who was playing with me won about a grand too, but he was betting small and most of the time was just sitting out the incredible runs I was experiencing. It truly is hard to keep a good man down - well anyway, as long as the Baccarat shoes are accommodating, which once again today - they more than were.