Day Eight Play

About three hours of play, pit boss said my average was about $900. I was down as much as four grand today, but rallied and came back to stop a little over a thousand ahead. Over all, I am still getting out of that hole I got myself into on Day Four but I am close to even now.

I really do play best alone, but if others are at my table I more or less try to do my own thing and not follow anyone. I can�t tell you how many times over this past week that I�ve been pushing into a bank or player run � boom! boom! boom! � hitting it hard, and others just do nothing, and later tell me they were too chicken to jump in because they were sure that the run was going to end.

Having a good time, playing just one session a day, and enjoying the suite and whatever Vegas offers the rest of the day. Hitting the gym religiously every other morning.