How often have I seen some guy betting small on the first night into town, chuckling and commenting on how he "just got there" and needed to "take it easy," only to see the same player bad awful sweaty and furiously stacking the chips while LOSING the next day. This is almost a cliched tried and proven (for the casinos) Vegas formula for success (for the casinos).

Players come in and bet small when they are having an easy time of winning, and then really pour it on when the cards are stacked against them. Ouch!

Don't be one of those. If you don't know when you are winning, or when you are losing, ask someone else at the tables - ask the dealer, even! They will tell you clear as day if you're destined to walk after losing every single chip, or giving the casino a break when you should be emptying the tray. I just have to glance at a player mid session to know the score as far as whether the guy should be pressing or pulling back. Of course, this all comes back to the CARDS but - the way the cards are coming down is inevitably reflected in the human player too. Nervously clutching your chips and desperately placing bets out there is probably representative of a bad shoe of cards, meaning - time to take a walk, or at least pull back your bet.

And remember - something like 90% of Vegas visitors are ahead at some point during their trip.