Back then, (by back then I mean before I took about a decade hiatus), when I was playing really big, the way I wound up over all ahead is that I kept my money at risk pretty consistent at $20,000. I had one trip where I got them for just a tiny bit under a half million, and more than a few trips when I won over a $100,000. I had a few trips where I won around $60,000. The rest of the trips I'd either win around twenty or lose the full twenty, these were mixed, and more or less cancelled out. They just never managed to get their win money back from me, and when I quit because I had too many opportunities in real life I needed to pursue and couldn't keep spending so much time in Vegas/Tahoe, I was very much ahead. I also didn't really like the stress of the high average bet action, another reason I gave it up. I did miss it for about a year, but after a year had passed by I really didn't think about much, if at all. And we kept going to Vegas and Tahoe but I never gambled a penny until 2018, when I started up again.
Back then too, the value of the comps alone was probably a couple hundred grand a year. But, it was my entourage of friends and my gfs who enjoyed most of that, I just cared about winning. Back then I was on a plane to Vegas or Tahoe every other week, or just stayed there for a month and a half and didn't come back.
A lot of my friends were amazed that I could have kept going to Vegas after I quit and not gambled, but I am very disciplined and once I make my mind up about something I follow it. Same goes for how I play today. Very disciplined.
This past couple years I haven't had the huge wins but I haven't had any losses yet either.
I like to write about my past. Even if no one ever read a word, it still is fun to relive by writing.