Recently traveled to visit a relative on the outskirts of Tucson - the equivalent of BFA (A for Arizona) versus BFE. The boy's an ROTC and relishes telling tales of legal explosives not yet regulated by the ATF. What's the stuff good for? "Well, it explodes! when you shoot it." he explained.

I should have known we're no longer in Kansas by the two dinner guests, guy and girl couple, who were holstering pistols. Just your typical sit down meal in BFA I suppose, with armed table companions.

After dinner conversation? Well, a picture (or rather, two) tell all (or at least most) of the words that need be said:
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	SecondAmendment.jpg 
Views:	880 
Size:	89.4 KB 
ID:	4

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Firearms.jpg 
Views:	859 
Size:	90.6 KB 
ID:	3

"But you notice they�re all armed. We�re the only people here without guns." -FALILV