This time what the Dub as he is affectionately called by most of us did, is shoplift a gun, lift thousands of dollars of gold chains from a jewelry store while it was open, steal a car, and do some other felony thefts (not necessarily in that order), leading to four state cases and one federal against him, which looks like will ultimately lead to that proverbial nickel in Lexington (which, this time, at least so far, he is far from doing complacently).
This is the year when I hope to edit and publish the thousands of pages I've written over the last two.
Stand by!
Well anyway Isolation is what the French call Solitary Confinement (from Henri Charriere's Papillon). Yes, sadly, one of our contributing writers is currently locked up.
But that won't stop him from writing. He will be mailing me his material, to be posted online! He might even be more prolific now that he has the time to concentrate.
Well, why not? Many fine books
have been written in prison. -Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
For example tonight, I did write up a little anecdote, a little tidbit, on something that struck me today.
but by and large - I'm beat! It's 11:30pm and I'm not going to be writing much more tonight. Will take care of some business that had best be completed before tomorrow, watch some TiVO, "tear it up"and then have, as Charlie Sheen might put it, a restful sleep.