View Full Version : My Rags to Riches Story

01-21-2010, 12:26 PM
When my cousin and I were about, oh, I think maybe ten years old, I was really into stamp collecting. My Dad used to give me a fair amount of money to buy valuable stamps. My collection today is worth about $100,000. easy.

Anyway, one day I received a letter in the mail and the stamps on it, were not postmarked. Being kids and thinking we knew something about stamps, we immediately decided that the stamps must be valuable. We worked ourselves up into a frenzy trying to decide the value of the unpostmarked stamped envelope.

"It's worth at least a hundred dollars." my cousin offered.

"No way, at least a thousand." I declared.

"Maybe more, ten!" my cousin finally decided.

By the time we were done calculating our riches we had both enough incoming cash to buy anything a ten year old could possibly imagine, and of course more! We were practically set for life!

Of course, by the time I brought up the subject to my older cousin, who lived in another country and was also a stamp collector, it was months later and my hopes had by no means dissipated. Until I heard what he had to say, that is, which consisted of the word, "Nothing." in response to my question of what the stamps were worth.

"All you can do with them is peel them off and use them again."

All my hopes dashed in an instant! Back to earning money the old fashioned way - some method other than having it fall in your lap.