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View Full Version : Snapping pictures instead of smelling the coffee

08-02-2009, 09:25 PM
This is what I am talking about
Abroad - At the Louvre, Many Snap but Few Focus, and Mona Lisa Smiles On - NYTimes.com (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/03/arts/design/03abroad.html?_r=1&hp)

especially when you see tourists busily snapping pictures instead of pausing to really take a look around. What is more important? Capturing the moment on film, or actually experiencing it?

Of course, I think I know the answer, but then after I've come home from Vegas and missed some snapshots of the girlfriend in a skimpy outfit I rue the missed opportunity as well. But then - we were there weren't we? That was me with her that night was it not? Must we have pictures to prove it? And how many stacks and stacks of film (and digitized photos) do I have that I might never go back and look at again....

Let's just call it the Twitter phenomenon. People are more excited about talking about taking a shower, than actually taking one. *Sigh. Does anyone live deliberately any longer?