View Full Version : Ever been paid in error?

03-09-2020, 09:19 AM
Years ago I was paid for a blackjack on a huge bet (table limit) when I had actually lost the hand (dealer hit to 21, I had a twenty, I did not even have a blackjack). I was so happy that I had a twenty, King Queen, that I had thrown down the cards on the table as soon as I saw them - like a "snapper" which is what blackjack players used to call a twenty-one in the days when we were allowed to hold the cards, and the dealer's mind had read "Blackjack."

My friend was playing on first base in front of me and he had a twenty one.

Dealer hit to twenty one, tapped the table in front of my friend to indicate a "push," so obviously dealer was aware that he had a twenty, and then proceeded to pay me $3750. - time and a half against my $2500. bet. This was the power of the Force over weak minds, apparently!

I didn�t say anything, no one ever came up to me and claimed that I had been paid in error, and that was the end of it.

Years ago a few times I was paid for a winner on Baccarat hands where I had actually lost. These hands were only a couple hundred dollars each and I pointed out the error to the dealer and gave the money back.

Another time years ago I plopped $3000. on the Baccarat tie bet and was paid $24,000. when I won (I have bet $3000. on the tie bet only twice in my life, and won both times). About a half hour later the phone was ringing from upstairs. Apparently, at this casino, where at the time the table limit was $15,000., the tie bet maximum was $2000. I had been overpaid, but they told me that they were going to let it stand because they had booked the bet, but told me to keep my tie bet at $2000. or less in the future.

More recently I was paid too much on a Baccarat hand, just $150. too much, and I said nothing, and then a half hour later someone approached me at a different table (I had moved), and asked me for the $150. at which point I stepped over to the table where I had been overpaid and tossed two black chips on the felt, received $50. in change, and left it at that without saying a word. The next day I mentioned what had transpired to a pit boss I know well.

"A half hour later? Over $150.? I woulda left it alone. That was chickenshit."

Years ago I also received $8000. for a marker that was printed as $800. Many hours later I was approached and told that I had signed the wrong amount marker. I could have disputed it - I know of a player who was paid $100,000. and NO marker was ever printed, by mistake (he was a big player, pulling larger markers right and left), and in his case he stuck to his guns and the casino was unable to collect a penny from him - but in my case, I just had them tear up the old erroneous $800. marker and present me with a new one for $8000.