View Full Version : Should antibiotics be taken for their full prescribed course?

07-28-2017, 09:41 AM
Personally, I try to avoid antibiotics. In some countries they are prescribed, including take at home IV shots if there is a nurse in the family, just like over the counter aspirin. I believe that while antibiotics work in the short term they break down long term immunity. Best to take none if can avoid. Maybe you're sick a bit longer but less chance of the bacterial illness recurring.

Taking antibiotics for full 7 to 14 days can actually harm you - The San Diego Union-Tribune (http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/health/sd-me-antibiotic-course20170728-story.html)

However, I'd always thought that if prescribed and you really need them, that taking them for their full course is a necessity. That stopping too soon before the bacteria are completely wiped out encourages their recurrence. Latest research seems to gainsay this notion - and suggest that it is perhaps better to take antibiotics only until you feel better, and then stop.